Hi there. Thanks for the selfless help. I don't mind paying to get my Amazon account reinstated and long as there is a high chance of it happening. Was banned 8 years ago due to several negative reviews in a row due to shipping wrong product/late shipping. I got busy with life. =(

I know I can buy another amazon account on modeeworld.com, but i prefer to fix my previous account if possible. Will buy a new one if absolutely necessary, but I would prefer not to have to worry about mixing up my current buyers account, IP, etc with the new seller's account. I would like to reinstate my current buyer account which used to have selling privileges. I've already emailed [email protected] and they said i had another banned linked account or something. Probably tried to open a new one 8 years ago to circumvent their policy. Stupid me. Hope to hear from you soon and maybe you can help out!