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Alternative to Paypal - something like UploadnSell - for sale of intangible items

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  • playzzzz
    Then PM me please.

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  • Modee
    There is no payment processor that likes to process the sale of intangible items, because there is no way to verify delivery to the customer. Some (like PayPal) just like it less than others.

    There are ways to get around the problem, but nothing we would want posted in public.

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  • playzzzz
    If Paypal is not the choice to that, do you know another service?

    And I want to sell virtual items but I want them to go directly on the buyer's mail when he pays. do that but only accept Paypal for that. Do you know another one who accept a service like I want?

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  • Modee
    Do you mean what is the best credit card processor for intangible items? If that is the question, then I can say that PayPal is definitely NOT the choice for that. PayPal doesn't like to process payments for anything other than tangible goods that can be shipped with delivery confirmation.

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  • Alternative to Paypal - something like UploadnSell - for sale of intangible items


    I want to know if there is something similar to Paypal (you can pay by Credit card as a guest) WITH a service like uploadnsell (I mean you can upload it online, he pays and get directly the item he paid on his email)
    That would be better if it hasn't chargeback option for the buyer (like LR).

    Thanks for your help

    PS: sorry for my bad english