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Ebay Groups? Useful or not? To join or not to join?

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  • Ebay Groups? Useful or not? To join or not to join?

    I am pretty sure I know who got me suspended and before I deal with that, I have another question. Is it possible to get into a recently created private group to see if they are in fact discussing your private information and the details of your suspension? (which is of course supposedly prohibited in their groups & forums- though I could not help but notice when using the forums, certain individuals were permitted to use & abuse everything while others got away with nothing.)

    If they are using a recently created group to discuss me, my personal information and the suspension, this could offer facts on exactly what happened. It could also give cold hard facts as to how ebay operates in lies and assumptions and how/why they are doing this to innocent members. Outside of "his word against there word" and possibly offer something of interest for everyone down the line. If there is anything that can be done to get info from inside a group, I'd like to deal with the facts that I have in private.

    Please advise.

  • #2
    It is sometimes true that an outsider gets us suspended but you might be surprised to learn that this is usually not how it happens. Ebay has algorithms that assess risk and until your account has passed the roadblock type questions that are posed inevitably when you sell certain types of goods, or sell at certain questionably low prices, it will keep going down. It can be frustrating because sometimes Ebay assumes that there are no legitimate answers and simply shuts you down. When that happens you think, wow, someone must have said something for this to happen but actually, this is rarely the case. If you would like to learn exactly how this all works, and the options to get by, consider tech support.

    I had all these sorts of problems until I figured out how to respond to Ebay and PayPal so that they heard what they themselves wanted to hear, and since that time (about five years ago), I have had no suspensions or limitations.
    Please read the forum rules before you post.

    And if you need extra help:
    Modee Tech Support


    • #3
      This person had a reputation of getting sellers posts removed upon a daily basis in the forums as an approach to get them removed from the forums. It was upon the date that I was banned from the forum (from them reporting my posts & having them removed even when removal was not in violation) that this seller created a group using my ID in an inconspicuous way, used the picture from my profile, used a group category that represents death. I know who was having those posts removed because I had talked to many other sellers who were having the same problem and we all narrowed it back to this one person I truly believe they are passing info about me (& maybe others) inside this Group... and talking about suspended members is a violation in those groups & forums. This could give evidence that this seller did something to push buttons.

      They also used repeated "infractions" on the forums as one reason to suspended. When I would ask them to show me in the post where the infraction was, they would never show me. It did not matter what I posted, even if it was just two words saying "nice job" they were almost always removed with a notice coming to my email. That is when I told them to stick their forum up their ass and that I had no further interest in using it.

      Ebay assumes? Their entire policy and business structure is based upon assumptions and rarely do they produce facts when they produce allegations. Yes, I know about algorithms and I am sure there is something to that as well, since my room mate was also suspended (and I know he did nothing to meet their accusation with no facts)...I am pretty sure that this all started from another seller. Everything that happened is just way too long and time consuming to post here but I thought that maybe there was a chance in proving I was innocent by gaining facts inside that group. I can accept "NO" for an answer.


      • #4
        Keeping a low profile is usually the best way to deal with Ebay and PayPal, along with certain other key techniques.

        Wishing you the best of luck as you move forward from this unfortunate experience.
        Please read the forum rules before you post.

        And if you need extra help:
        Modee Tech Support

