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Visitor message from mcemce13


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Last Activity: 04-30-2024, 07:37 AM
Joined: 02-02-2009
Location: California (United States)

  • Visitor message from mcemce13

    mcemce13 posted a Visitor Message for Modee

    While we working on the other ticket (new ebay and PPal account) I would like to open a new support ticket.

    I have an business Ebay account which was hit with the MC011 some months ago, I sent the required docs but they replied basically with the same message: In blue ebay message, in red my comments

    We'd be happy to review your account and, if possible, adjust your selling restriction to allow additional activity to take place.

    To continue to appeal this restriction, you will need to upload the information we've listed below to:

    [url=""][COLOR=#0000CD]Security Measure

    - A readable copy of your driver's license, front *and* back, or other government-issued ID. I have passport of friend, which account is under her name, she foreign

    - A copy of a recent credit card statement, bank statement, or utility bill. Your name and billing address should be visible, and consistent with the information registered to your eBay account. I can supply Bank of America statement under company name, will match address

    - Documentation that shows that you purchased the item(s) recently listed for sale on eBay. Documentation that will help us verify your items can include either manufacture invoices or receipts. Unfortunately, we will be unable to accept photos of the items to fulfill this requirement.
    It was some returns from amazon that I listed using automated software, I learned after that usually that hits to suspensions or issues those "multi listers, like 100 items under 1 minute type". It was from retail arbitrage, so I can search for original invoices sent to amazon customers, they returned to a warehouse.
    Verification of merchandise must include the following:
    For the items listed on your account, more specifically the items listed or wanting to list on eBay:
    - Who the supplier / company is from which item is purchased
    - The price and quantities of items purchased
    - The dates in which items were purchased
    - If from a third party supplier, the name of the purchaser and address (to verify you are the one purchasing the items for sale)
    - *****PROOF OF PAYMENT*****
    -- Important --
    - Make sure that your name and User ID appear on each document that you submit. If this information is not included, it cannot be processed.
    - Be sure your submitted documents are current, valid, and legible.

    So is it worth to fight/appeal this restriction or better to start with a new stealth account? In case is worth, any guarantees? and how much it would be the support you charge?


  • Modee
    Hello, please send me a private message if you seek a new tech support (not public visitor message). Thanks!
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