The Short List, my VERO Guide and other tech supports, get into this in more detail, but nowadays EBays offers two methods for raising your limits: one is via a sort of online identification verification, and the other is via a phone call.
First of all, the techniques in the Short List will allow you to keep your accounts at their maximum possible selling levels. If you follow the Short List properly, you should have no limits imposed at all after the initial break in period for the account.
But on any account, for a variety of reasons, limits may eventually be imposed - such as due to bad feedback, low DSRs, selling of high risk items, selling of VERO, policy violations, too many buyer complaint cases, etc. Once you get on Ebay's bad side, assuming you do not get flat out suspended, it is difficult but not impossible to get back on their good side. Some of my tech supports offer techniques to get Ebay to OVERLOOK low DSRs and even buyer resolution complaints that were already resolved against you.
So: getting back to increasing your limits: When you use the Ebay online system to verify your identification, assuming you are in a position to even do this (via the Short List you MAY JUST be in this position, even if you open an account in other than your own name), Ebay runs your name against the address you gave them via some databases to determine if you reside at that address. This is not the same thing as running credit, but there is a similar sort of verification done in some respects.
If this verification confirms your identity (rather, if it confirms that you are tied to the address you gave Ebay), then the approval process for a limit increase is more or less automatic. You will probably not need to phone in.
More often than not, for us Stealth account users (and even for bona fide legitimate name users), this verification fails, such that a phone call is needed to increase your limits.
Now, if your identity is in question - then Ebay will ask certain questions to establish that you are a real person tied to the address you gave. The Short List explains what sort of questions will be asked, and how to get past this initial gateway. IF YOU FAIL TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS PROPERLY, YOU MAY ASSUME THAT YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE SHUT DOWN WITHIN MINUTES OF HANGING UP THE PHONE.
Now, sometimes you will luck out and Ebay will ask no verification questions. Sometimes they ask no such questions because the account is already tied to a PayPal on which there is a social security number (or the equivalent identification information for foreign non-U.S. accounts), so Ebay figures that your identity is not at issue. And on many Short List created accounts I have seen Ebay ask no identification questions either, simply because the Short List method for account creation is so sound that it fools the Ebay system into believing that you are a real person tied to a given address.
But in any case - once you get past that issue or bypass it, Ebay will look into a series of things on your account:
-Seller Dashboard, where they examine any buyer complaints in the resolution center, examine your DSRs and any policy violations
-Feedback, paying particular attention to any negatives
-Past issues (Past low DSRs, non-payment of fees, etc.) and age of the account will also be taken into account of course
Ebay will also examine your listings to see what sort of things you sell. Ebay WILL ask you where you get your goods. You had better be prepared with a legitimate answer (the VERO Guide and tech support gives you a lot of help in having an answer ready for the sort of goods you sell) that satisfies Ebay's curiosity as to WHERE you get your goods.
Again - if you do not satisfy Ebay - or, just as bad, a can of worms is opened as to the source or authenticity of your products, your account WILL be shut down as a result of this call. SO, if you are not prepared to deal with this sort of thing - and a special tech support to analyze what you sell and how to address such a question in advance may be warranted - you had best NOT make this call!
Now, if you go through all the hoops properly, and there are some other tips I can give you in tech support as to how to steer psychologically and strategically the Ebay Trust and Safety employee you will be dealing with during this call towards increasing your limits but NOT getting too nosy about what you sell or from where it comes from - so again, if you play your cards right, your limits will be raised, and you'll receive an email like this notifying you of the increase:

Now, if all this sounds like too much, and you are fearful of making such a call, keep in mind that no matter what your limits are, as long as you keep DSRs high, feedback at 100% or close, and have few or no issues, on a properly created account, your selling limits will be increased regularly over time without the need for you to phone in. At worst, even you notice that your selling limits have been stuck for a very long time, after ONE of these calls, your account will be placed in a status for automatic increases in the future.
Good luck, and good Ebaying.
First of all, the techniques in the Short List will allow you to keep your accounts at their maximum possible selling levels. If you follow the Short List properly, you should have no limits imposed at all after the initial break in period for the account.
But on any account, for a variety of reasons, limits may eventually be imposed - such as due to bad feedback, low DSRs, selling of high risk items, selling of VERO, policy violations, too many buyer complaint cases, etc. Once you get on Ebay's bad side, assuming you do not get flat out suspended, it is difficult but not impossible to get back on their good side. Some of my tech supports offer techniques to get Ebay to OVERLOOK low DSRs and even buyer resolution complaints that were already resolved against you.
So: getting back to increasing your limits: When you use the Ebay online system to verify your identification, assuming you are in a position to even do this (via the Short List you MAY JUST be in this position, even if you open an account in other than your own name), Ebay runs your name against the address you gave them via some databases to determine if you reside at that address. This is not the same thing as running credit, but there is a similar sort of verification done in some respects.
If this verification confirms your identity (rather, if it confirms that you are tied to the address you gave Ebay), then the approval process for a limit increase is more or less automatic. You will probably not need to phone in.
More often than not, for us Stealth account users (and even for bona fide legitimate name users), this verification fails, such that a phone call is needed to increase your limits.
Now, if your identity is in question - then Ebay will ask certain questions to establish that you are a real person tied to the address you gave. The Short List explains what sort of questions will be asked, and how to get past this initial gateway. IF YOU FAIL TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS PROPERLY, YOU MAY ASSUME THAT YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE SHUT DOWN WITHIN MINUTES OF HANGING UP THE PHONE.
Now, sometimes you will luck out and Ebay will ask no verification questions. Sometimes they ask no such questions because the account is already tied to a PayPal on which there is a social security number (or the equivalent identification information for foreign non-U.S. accounts), so Ebay figures that your identity is not at issue. And on many Short List created accounts I have seen Ebay ask no identification questions either, simply because the Short List method for account creation is so sound that it fools the Ebay system into believing that you are a real person tied to a given address.
But in any case - once you get past that issue or bypass it, Ebay will look into a series of things on your account:
-Seller Dashboard, where they examine any buyer complaints in the resolution center, examine your DSRs and any policy violations
-Feedback, paying particular attention to any negatives
-Past issues (Past low DSRs, non-payment of fees, etc.) and age of the account will also be taken into account of course
Ebay will also examine your listings to see what sort of things you sell. Ebay WILL ask you where you get your goods. You had better be prepared with a legitimate answer (the VERO Guide and tech support gives you a lot of help in having an answer ready for the sort of goods you sell) that satisfies Ebay's curiosity as to WHERE you get your goods.
Again - if you do not satisfy Ebay - or, just as bad, a can of worms is opened as to the source or authenticity of your products, your account WILL be shut down as a result of this call. SO, if you are not prepared to deal with this sort of thing - and a special tech support to analyze what you sell and how to address such a question in advance may be warranted - you had best NOT make this call!
Now, if you go through all the hoops properly, and there are some other tips I can give you in tech support as to how to steer psychologically and strategically the Ebay Trust and Safety employee you will be dealing with during this call towards increasing your limits but NOT getting too nosy about what you sell or from where it comes from - so again, if you play your cards right, your limits will be raised, and you'll receive an email like this notifying you of the increase:
Now, if all this sounds like too much, and you are fearful of making such a call, keep in mind that no matter what your limits are, as long as you keep DSRs high, feedback at 100% or close, and have few or no issues, on a properly created account, your selling limits will be increased regularly over time without the need for you to phone in. At worst, even you notice that your selling limits have been stuck for a very long time, after ONE of these calls, your account will be placed in a status for automatic increases in the future.
Good luck, and good Ebaying.