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Feedback removal - in the modern EBAY era

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  • Feedback removal - in the modern EBAY era

    I am able to have feedback removed through a variety of techniques. I also get users suspended right and left!

    How long do they get suspended?

    Most FOREVER...I don't really follow up on all of them however. Mission accomplished; I move on.

    It's a Modee world, so you better get used to it.
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  • #2
    On a related topic: Got another EBAYer suspended who crossed me - almost 2000 feedback, 100% positive, account created nearly ten years ago!

    Suspension is not my method for FB removal, but it sure feels good!

    Go Modee, Go!
    Please read the forum rules before you post.

    And if you need extra help:
    Modee Tech Support


    • #3
      Yip, Yip, YIPPEEE!

      So lemme tell you THIS story.

      I sold something to a buyer. Buyer gets the product, all is well. I occasionally message and email buyer to ask for feedback. No response.

      Finally I get some inane email stating that this buyer doesn't like to leave feedback. States that buyer is a seller too (as a matter of fact, a bronze POWER SELLER), and that does not ask anyone to leave feedback either. All right well, I let it go.

      BUT the NEXT day, feeling ornery, I create some phony email account that matches the username of some OTHER seller who bought four items from this buyer, and for whom as well the buyer has left no feedback. I email a note to buyer about being a lazy slob and to get off arse and leave some feedback. I even reference the four auctions (not mine).

      Well, it BACKfired. Buyer somehow figured that I must have sent the email, or got confused, anyway next thing I know I have a big fat negative feedback.

      So now I'm really mad.

      Plus, for some odd reason, probably a coincidence, that seller who sold four items to this buyer is suddenly not a registered member! Crazy - I mean the phony email I sent was not grounds for any of that.

      So in comes Modee, with a dual campaign:

      1. Get the feedback removed.
      2. Get this buyer suspended.

      #2 was a campaign in progress. I mean, a Power Seller is not toppled in one day. But I was working on it steadily.

      As far as the feedback removal, I tried again and again - no dice. But I kept using various different tactics and methods, and different formats for the report, and then...after multiple refusals and emails to the tune of:

      We are very concerned about violations on the site and have thoroughly
      investigated your report. The eBay Privacy Policy prevents me from
      discussing the specifics of our investigation. I can tell you, however,
      that in this instance we didn't find evidence that a violation occurred.

      I hit PAYdirt, yesterday I get this:

      Dear ____________,

      Thank you for writing eBay in regard to your Feedback concerns.

      We've thoroughly reviewed your report about _________ and have taken
      appropriate action in accordance with eBay's policies. Our actions may
      include issuing a warning, temporary suspension, indefinite suspension,
      or terminating the membership.

      Out of concern for the privacy of all members, we do not discuss the
      results of an investigation of a member's account with another member.
      Your account information will likewise remain private.

      After reviewing your request, we found that the Feedback comment met the
      requirements for removal under our Feedback Abuse Policy and have
      removed it.

      To learn more about our Feedback Abuse Policy, go to:

      Feedback Abuse

      Thank you for your time.


      eBay Customer Support
      Your Personal Trading Community (tm)


      Important: eBay will not ask you for sensitive personal information
      (such as your password, credit card and bank account numbers, Social
      Security numbers, etc.) in an email. Learn more account protection tips

      Protecting your account

      For our latest announcements, please check:

      System Status Announcement Board

      In order to better serve you, we'd like to occasionally
      request feedback on our service. If you would rather
      not participate, please click on the link below and send
      us an email with the word "REMOVE" in the subject line.
      If that does not work, please send an email to the
      email address below. Your request will be processed
      within 5 days.

      mailto:[email protected]


      and then today...I notice that the buyer (a POWER SELLER) is suspended.

      yeeeeeehaw! Oh how the once mighty have fallen.

      Don't EVER shake a tree because if it has Modee leaves on it, it might come down and smother you!
      Please read the forum rules before you post.

      And if you need extra help:
      Modee Tech Support


      • #4
        Removing feedback

        If you do it right, and come up with the right "excuse," even now, even today, EBAY WILL remove feedback. Especially if you are Modee.

        Dear _________,

        Thank you for writing eBay in regard to removing the neutral feedback
        that you received from "___________".

        I'm happy to inform you that after reviewing your request, we found that
        the Feedback comment met the requirements for removal under our Feedback
        Abuse Policy and have removed it.

        To learn more about our Feedback Abuse Policy, go to:

        Feedback policy

        It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing eBay.


        eBay Customer Support
        Your Personal Trading Community (tm)


        Important: eBay will not ask you for sensitive personal information
        (such as your password, credit card and bank account numbers, Social
        Security numbers, etc.) in an email. Learn more account protection tips

        Protecting your account

        For our latest announcements, please check:

        In order to better serve you, we'd like to occasionally
        request feedback on our service. If you would rather
        not participate, please click on the link below and send
        us an email with the word "REMOVE" in the subject line.
        If that does not work, please send an email to the
        email address below. Your request will be processed
        within 5 days.

        mailto:[email protected]
        Please read the forum rules before you post.

        And if you need extra help:
        Modee Tech Support


        • #5
          Good for you Modee. Good use of the word 'ornery' too - don't hear that one much these days !

          Just after Christmas I got hit with my first neg in ages and my first one on my account of over 1000. The buyer was claiming that they had bought an item but it was not delivered. They hadn't contacted me first neither. I was pretty pissed as you'd imagine but just thought it was an occupational hazard with selling on ebay. (i had definately mailed the item out too by the way!)

          I was just gonna take the hit but thought I'd look into the transaction to see if anything was untoward. I realised that the seller, who was new-ish to ebay, had put down an incomplete address on both ebay and PayPal (rather than a house number and road, they'd just put the road name). I hadn't noticed this when I was mailing stuff out as I do so in bulk and was as busy as hell over the Chistmas period.

          I emailed eBay to say that I thought it was unfair having the neg as although did not obtain proof of postage I could not be held responsible for a package going missing when the buyer had given an incomplete address.

          I was pretty shocked when a couple of days later I got an email to say that they feedback had been removed. Fantastic I thought and then checked on the buyer's ID and I saw that they'd been NARUed. I actually felt really bad about it as I got the distinct impression that they were just a bit of a simpleton.

          Still got the 100% fb too!



          • #6
            Beautiful job! Proves that sometimes there are in fact human beings and not robots at the other end of the line at EBAY.
            Please read the forum rules before you post.

            And if you need extra help:
            Modee Tech Support


            • #7
              feedback removal

              what was initially eBay's genius is now turning into a daily nightmare of nerves.

              after being suspended i have got up and running and things are going well (touch wood!).

              i sold an item to one prick and accidentally send the wrong item (size issue). the customer contacted me and demanded i send him the correct size. of course i said i would send it to him and would refund the cost of his returns postage for the incorrect item. this wasn't good enough for him.

              he said he wouldn't send the item back until the new item arrived with him. i got from the tone of his mails that he was a prick from the start so didn't trust that he'd return the unwanted shirt.

              the mistake i made was that i was emailing to his private address and not using the ebay mail system. he actually threatened to leave me neg feedback if i didn't submit to his request (if it was through the ebay mail i could have i informed them of this idiot).

              the bottom line is that i didn't resend the shirt and as a result have been left a negative. i wanted to try and get him suspended but it is a long and winded way to go about things.

              the question is;

              if i refund him, can i then claim an unpaid item dispute with the hope that the negative will be removed?


              • #8
                I feel for you. I had this one Polish customer who pulled a similar thing with me. He received a much more valuable item I shipped by mistake and of course once he figured out that he got the better end of the bargain he disappeared on me. He refuses of course to pay the difference and wants me to ship him the less expensive item before he will return the one I shipped. As if I trust him to not then keep both!

                You are on to something with the "claim unpaid" to get a negative removed, but the actual process is a little more complicated than that and not something that should be posted in public.
                Please read the forum rules before you post.

                And if you need extra help:
                Modee Tech Support


                • #9
                  Had a deadbeat bidder who would not pay try to bully me into not pulling the trigger on an unpaid item dispute. He responded to the dispute with some nonsense about how the listing was not clear to him, even had the gall to flat out say that he would give me a positive feedback if I would mutually close the matter. Nonsense. I gave him the STRIKE.

                  Minutes later - there it was - an unjustified NEG for me, trying to say that I misrepresented the auction listing.


                  Getting feedback removed when the buyer does not pay is the easiest of all. I reported the feedback, less than two hours later it was removed

                  Dear _________,

                  Thank you for writing eBay in regard to your request for Feedback

                  After reviewing your request, we found that the Feedback met the
                  requirements for removal under our Feedback Removal Policy and have
                  removed it.

                  Due to system updating, your Feedback score may not reflect this removal
                  for 24 hours.

                  To learn more about our Feedback Removal Policy, go to:

                  Feedback policy

                  Thank you for your time.


                  eBay Customer Support

                  You just have to know exactly HOW to report these *******s. There are ways to get most any feedback removed.
                  Please read the forum rules before you post.

                  And if you need extra help:
                  Modee Tech Support


                  • #10
                    Negative feedback removed - Modee success

                    Some bum bid on my non-PayPal accepting (merchant account only) EBAY account, and refused to pay. So I opened an unpaid item dispute, he responded with some nonsense about how I do not accept PayPal (so what), and I gave him a strike.

                    In retaliation, he gave me a NEG.

                    Then, idiot bid on another EBAY auction of mine, once again did not pay, once again responded with some nonsense during the unpaid item dispute, and I gave him a 2nd unpaid bidder strike.

                    Naturally, he gave me another negative.

                    Of course, such feedback is not automatically removed, because the bidder did respond to the unpaid item dispute.

                    But hey - I'm Modee. I don't take things lying down.

                    It took almost a week, and a couple of exchanges back and forth with Trust and Safety, but both NEGS were removed.

                    So, at the end of the day - the jerk stands with two unpaid item strikes, and I stand and remain at 100% positive feedback.

                    I love it when a plan comes together.

                    Dear _____,

                    Thank you for writing eBay in regard to the negative feedback you
                    received from _______.

                    ______, I'm happy to inform you that after reviewing your request, we
                    found that the Feedback comment met the requirements for removal under
                    our Feedback Abuse Policy and have removed it.

                    To learn more about our Feedback Abuse Policy, go to:

                    Feedback policy

                    It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing eBay.


                    eBay Customer Support
                    Please read the forum rules before you post.

                    And if you need extra help:
                    Modee Tech Support


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by won't submit View Post
                      the question is;

                      if i refund him, can i then claim an unpaid item dispute with the hope that the negative will be removed?
                      If you go this route ebay will notify the buyer that an unpaid item dispute has been filed against them.

                      You will need to inform the buyer up front that this is a common event and means nothing. It is the way you go about receiving you final value fees back from ebay and is standard practice.

                      email this to the buyer's direct email, DO NOT USE EBAY MESSAGE FORWARDING SERVICE!

                      Providing your buyer is new and relatively ignorant to ebay's policies, they may not respond to the notice and then if your lucky enough for the 8 days to pass with no reply from the buyer, ebay will close the dispute and supposedly remove the associated feedback, if not then you may need to request they do.

                      There is also the slim possibility that you may get busted for this action and get your hand spanked by ebay.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Modee View Post
                        Some bum bid on my non-PayPal accepting (merchant account only) EBAY account, and refused to pay. So I opened an unpaid item dispute, he responded with some nonsense about how I do not accept PayPal (so what), and I gave him a strike...
                        Curious, how are you being able to leave buyers negative feedback, or are you referencing events that occurred during the fair and balanced years of ebay?


                        • #13
                          Can anyone out there help me get a unjustified negative removed?

                          I sold an item to a buyer in Portugal, I took the USPS Priority International package to my local post office and they hand canceled the US Customs forms, but neglected to scan the numbers in. I left because there was a back-up of patrons, knowing I was making a mistake and taking the chance that the customer would strike me, and they did.

                          Customs label # CQXXXXX0891US when tracked, shows The USPS was electronically notified... blah blah blah.
                          The USPS misplaced my parcel wouldn't you know it. The only proof I could give the customer is a scanned in copy of my US Customs form, below...

                          This was only two weeks out from purchase to the day. I pleaded that the customer give a little more time and sent them the scanned in copy of the US Customs form showing the hand cancel stamp from when I posted it.
                          This was not good enough, the customer demanded an instant refund or they would leave me a negative feedback. I requested that if they leave me a fair and honest feedback I would issue them a refund for the entire purchase price which would be much quicker than tying up the process for weeks going through paypal. (THEIR BIG SCREW UP FOR NOT AGREEING) The customer replied with this...
                          I prefer to give you immediately negative feedback and wait till the end of the world to get my full refund!!!! and that is exactly what they did. Then they filed a INR dispute with paypal, my replies to paypal included the scanned hand canceled copy of the customs form and a request that they please wait for the USPS to find the parcel. They did! The item was found and delivered. I requested the buyer rivise their feedback and never have received any response.

                          The buyer knew the item would eventually arrive, they screwed up by not accepting my terms for an instant refund because they would now have the ring and their money back.

                          I have sent multiple request to ebay regarding getting this unjustified strike removed and always the same canned reply...

                          "Thank you for writing eBay in regard to the negative feedback you
                          received from aplms.

                          Feedback is a member-to-member system for trading partners to say what
                          they think about a transaction. We realize members sometimes receive
                          Feedback that they feel isn't fair or accurate, but we don't remove
                          comments unless they meet some specific requirements. Unfortunately,
                          this one doesn't.

                          Even if a member leaves Feedback that is unfair, untruthful, or harmful
                          to a member's reputation, we can't remove it without a court order
                          describing the comments as libelous, defamatory, or illegal."

                          Modee, can you help me?
                          Last edited by Sake-Pookie; 10-19-2009, 09:48 AM.


                          • #14
                            feedback removal denied

                            I have tried and tried to get my negative removed.

                            The buyer offered, I accecpted , and the auction was closed. I invoiced immediately, I did not hear from her for 2 days, then she questions the item. She did bid on another item identical to mine, 2 minutes after she made her offer on mine, I checked! which I pointed out I had seen, so when she started questioning me I asked her purchase was bogus. She said no she was a buyer and seller and thats why she bid on the identical item. I will point out the identical item went way cheaper than my $75 offer she gave me and never paid for. She asked whether its canvas or cotton, she then offered me a lower price on mine . I declined, she then told me she would pay that night , she did not. I opened the dispute about 10days after auction , closed it and ebay refunded fees. She immediately gave ne a negative feedback. I have written ebay so many times. The item was discribed accurately, it was listed as canvas, the manufacter calls it canvas.

                            I have since written her and asked her to remove the neg. She said I gave her a hard time. She said she offered to return my fees (she did not) and she said "fairs fair", I should remove her strike first and then she will remove the neg. She said she was disappointed I took no responsiblity for the error and that she gave me,

                            she said she offered my fees (I repeat she did not) She also said I told her it was cotton(I did not) She could be confusing me with her other bid on the identical item? perhaps? She also said I gave her a hard time? I asked for payment and did not take a lower offer and filed a dispute if thats a hard time ?


                            • #15
                              If you want to get the feedback removed in a timely manner and actually have the request approved then I suggest hiring Modee for tech support.
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